Right of way easement over Plimmerton Domain

Right of way easement proposed to give access to Mainline Steam over Plimmerton Domain

Mainline Steam Heritage Trust (Mainline Steam) have requested access over part of Plimmerton Domain as their current access is being affected by the KiwiRail upgrades at Plimmerton Station.

Mainline Steam is a Charitable Trust set up to preserve, restore, maintain and operate heritage ex New Zealand Railways rolling stock including steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages. The Plimmerton depot is open to the public and they often host community groups.

The Plimmerton depot was developed in the mid-nineties and is the hub of their engineering expertise that is used to restore the rolling stock.  Their volunteers commit tens of thousands of hours to preserve the rolling stock for future generations.

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The Proposal

Mainline Steam have requested an easement providing right of way access, and to construct an access ramp over part of Plimmerton Domain.  The proposed right of way would be partially over the existing car park access and over a strip of land between the Mana Archery field and the Mana Arts building.  The existing hedge and fence will need to be removed for the ramp to be constructed and new fencing will be required. This access is shown on the plan in Figure One.

The ramp would allow for both pedestrians and vehicles to access Mainline Steam’s premises, including for emergency purposes.  It is estimated that vehicle movements would be in the range of 8-10 per day, and this would consist of cars and small to medium trucks.  The truck movements include both staff and deliveries by transport firms or couriers.  Most of the access would be Monday to Friday with some limited access on Saturday.

Plimmerton Domain is classified as recreation reserve under the Reserves Act 1977 (the Act).  The parcel of land that the access would be required over is Pt Lot 67 DP 17993.   In order for access to be granted over Plimmerton Domain, a right of way would need to be approved under section 48(1)(f) of the Act.

Mainline Steam will be required to cover the costs of forming the unformed part of the access as a requirement of any approval, if given.

Before this request is considered by Te Puna Kōrero, public notice is required under Section 119 and 120 of the Act on the basis that the activity is likely to materially alter or permanently damage the reserve or permanently affect the rights of public.

Submissions and objections close on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 5pm.

Once submissions and objections are received a hearing to consider the application will be held on Thursday, 1 October 2020.

CTA Public Consultations

Mainline Steam Heritage Trust proposed accessway through Plimmerton Domain

Right of way easement over Plimmerton Domain July2020 V1

The proposed right of way easement area is shown on the Plan above in orange.  The solid orange line is the location of the ramp up to the Mainline Steam site.

Supporting Documents

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You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, at our front counter at Customer Services, Council Office, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022, and also on the public consultation page of our website.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

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  • If you don’t have access to a computer, please call our contact centre on 04 237 5089 to request that a hardcopy be posted out to you

Submissions and objections close on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 5pm.

The hearing will be held on Thursday, 1 October 2020.

Have your say online -  Poriruacity.govt.nz online Portal

CTA Public Consultations

Want to know more

If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, please email Julia Bates at Julia.Bates@poriruacity.govt.nz or call on 04 237 1499.


All submissions are public information. This supports our drive to be as transparent as possible, but, if there are any personal details you don’t want made public, please let us know.