Proposed easement over Elsdon Park

We'd like to hear your thoughts on whether we should approve an easement for Wellington Water over Elsdon Park under section 48(1)(e) and (f) of the Reserves Act 1977.

UPDATE: The hearings and deliberations on the proposed Easement over Elsdon Park have been scheduled for the Te Puna Kōrero meeting on Thursday 1 July 2021.

The Proposal

An easement is required by Wellington Water Limited to enable the construction and operation of a Stormwater Attenuation and Treatment Wetland and Flood Protection Bund at Elsdon Park (Section 99 Blk I Belmont SD).

Areas within the low-lying CBD area of Porirua have been flooded during significant rainfall events in recent years. The risk of flooding is expected to be exacerbated in the future because of climate change and as urban development increases.

The wetland is designed to slow down stormwater flows, and provide water treatment, before stormwater discharges to Te Awarua O Porirua/Porirua Harbour. The bund will provide flood protection in the area.

Public spaces, including pathways, seating areas, a viewing platform, information panels, and an outdoor classroom area are proposed as part of the wetland. These design features will provide new recreational opportunities, as well as educational and cultural benefits for Porirua’s tamariki.

Elsdon Park is classified as recreation reserve under the Reserves Act 1977. The parcel of land that the access would be required over is Section 99 Block I Belmont SD. In order for the wetland and bund to be constructed on, and occupy, Elsdon Park, an easement needs to be approved under section 48(1)(e) and (f) of the Act. Wellington Water will cover the costs of establishing the easement, if approval is given.

Before this request is considered by Te Puna Kōrero, public notice is required under Section 119 and 120 of the Act on the basis that the activity is likely to materially alter or permanently damage the reserve or permanently affect the rights of public.

Submissions and objections close on Monday 3 May 2021 at 5pm.

Once submissions and objections are received a hearing to consider the application will be held on Thursday 10 June 2021.

CTA Public Consultations

Supporting Documents

Have your say online here

Key Dates

When What
Tuesday 6 April 2021 Submissions open
Monday 3 May 2021 Submissions close
Thursday 10 June 2021 Submitters present to Te Puna Kōrero
Thursday 10 June or Thursday 1 July 2021* Te Puna Kōrero deliberates and changes are agreed. Easement approved or declined.
*Depending on how many submissions are received.

Have Your Say

Go online

  • The easiest way to have your say is to complete an online submission here.

Write to us

  • You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, at our Customer Services Centre at 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022, and also on the public consultation page of our website.

    You can have your say in a number of ways:
    • Download a submission form here.
    • Email your submission to:, with “Easement over Elsdon Park” in the subject line
    • Hand in your submission to our Customer Services Centre at 16 Cobham Court
    • Post your submission to:
      Easement over Elsdon Park
      Porirua City Council
      PO Box 50218
      Porirua City 5240
    • Give us a call

If you don’t have access to a computer, please call our contact centre on 04 237 5089 to request that a hardcopy be posted out to you

Submissions and objections close on Monday 3 May 2021 at 5pm.

The hearing will be held on Thursday 10 June 2021.

Have your say online here

CTA Public Consultations

Want to know more

If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, please email Matt Hoffman at or call on 04 237 3854.


To support our drive to be as transparent as possible all submissions will be publicly available but without your contact details. If you don’t want your name made public please tick “Withhold my details” on the submission form. Please note you won’t be able to withhold your name if you choose to speak at the hearing or if you are representing an organisation.