On Thursday 20 April 2023, Te Puna Kōrero considered all feedback as part of their deliberations and agreed to:
You can view the reports and minutes from the Council meetings here.
Please refer to the meeting on 20 April 2023.
This consultation is now closed. Thank you to those who made a submission.
Council is seeking feedback from the community on the future use of Tireti Hall in Titahi Bay.
Tireti Hall is currently the only Council-owned facility that can be used for community purposes in Titahi Bay.
Council has owned the building since the 1960s and has leased it to a range of organisations during that time. The current leases that were agreed in 2019 are coming to their end.
Porirua City Council has looked at how other councils manage their community halls and have come up with four possible options.
We would like to know if the community would like us to manage the hall differently. This consultation is an opportunity for the public to have their say on how the hall is managed in the future. There are a number of other options that could be considered including returning the building to a library. Some of these ideas are more costly, longer term issues that can be considered for the future. This consultation is primarily concerned with the next 2-5 years. All feedback will be considered.
More information about what each option looks like, and the related costs and considerations are set out in the Statement of Proposal document (linked below).
When | What |
30 January 2023 | Submissions open |
12 March 2023 | Submissions close |
23 March 2023 | Submitters present to Te Puna Kōrero (if required) |
20 April 2023 | Te Puna Kōrero deliberates and changes are agreed |
Thursday 27 April 2022 (TBC) | Council adopts the change |
If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, please contact:
tiretihallconsultation@poriruacity.govt.nz or call 04 237 3854 - questions relating to the proposal
submissions@poriruacity.govt.nz - questions relating to the submissions process
Go online
Write to us
If you don’t have access to a computer, please call our contact centre on 04 237 5089 to request that a hardcopy be posted out to you.
Submissions close 12 March 2023.
The hearing will be held on 23 March 2023 (if required).
To support our drive to be as transparent as possible all submissions will be publicly available but without your contact details. If you don’t want your name made public please tick “Withhold my details” on the submission form. Please note you won’t be able to withhold your name if you choose to speak at the hearing or if you are representing an organisation.