Our vision is that the mauri (life force) of Te Awarua-o-Porirua is restored and its waters are healthy, so that all those who live in the region, including Ngāti Toa and our manuhiri (visitors), can enjoy, live and play in our environment and future generations are sustained, physically and culturally
The Streamside Planting Programme is bringing the Council and community together to achieve better results for the harbour.
The community faced winter conditions in July 2022 for a community planting day in Waitangirua. The day out within Belmont Regional Park was the first public planting since the programme's launch.
The Takapū Valley restoration project was another great example of community partnership. Check out the video by Transpower NZ here.
Our community planting days for 2024 have wrapped up. If you, your group, or your school is interested in helping with some planting please email us at streamside.planting@poriruacity.govt.nz.
Sediment continues to be a big problem for the health of our harbour. Pollutants are still going into waterways. Ecological health and diversity are continuing to trend downwards.
Our window to act, to avoid excessive nutrient inputs and arrest long-term decline, is closing.
Porirua City Council, in partnership with Ngāti Toa, is implementing a stream management and planting programme throughout the Porirua district. Our vision is to improve the mauri of Te Awarua-o-Porirua/Porirua Harbour and its waterways, and their biological and ecological health.
The programme aims to plant the banks of all the streams that run into our harbour, from the top of the Paekākāriki Hill in the north, to Churton Park and Newlands in the south.
Streamside management involves the strips of land beside drains, streams, and rivers.
They can be on farms, lifestyle blocks, in suburban areas, and alongside roads and railways. The plants growing along streams are critical for the health of our waterways and harbour as they can maintain and improve water quality and enhance native biodiversity.
Benefits of streamside planting and fencing:
Improving the health of our streams will have a direct impact on the health of Te Awarua-o-Porirua / Porirua Harbour, by reducing pathogens, excessive nutrients, and sediment. For the first time in the history of our harbour, we can make a real change, and reverse the decline.
We need you to be a part of the change.
Download the Porirua City Council Riparian Management Strategy by clicking on the report name:
Whether you are a farmer, small land-holder, or live in the suburbs, if you have a stream that would benefit from streamside management, we may be able to help you!
Starting in 2022, we have funds for over 600,000 streamside plants, including planting and ongoing maintenance, and can assist with costs of new fencing.
Please get in touch with us!