Kāinga Ora is considering whether to use new urban development powers in the Northern Growth Area (NGA). Kāinga Ora has selected this area for assessment as a potential Specified Development Project (SDP).
SDPs provide a new way for Kāinga Ora to work with councils, iwi and private developers to co-ordinate, plan, fund and deliver transformational, complex urban development. Kāinga Ora led a period of public notification and feedback from 31 August 2023 to 29 September 2023.
We are currently at step one of the SDP process.
Now the feedback period has closed, Kāinga Ora will review feedback received from the public notification of the proposed key features and consider if any refinements of the proposed key features are required before they complete the assessment report. This may include further engagement and consideration of the constraints and opportunities.
In early 2024, Kāinga Ora plan to make a recommendation to the Ministers of Housing and Finance about whether the NGA should be established as an SDP.
If an SDP isn’t established, urban development in the NGA is still possible through existing statutory planning processes.
For further information on the SDP, Kāinga Ora have established a Specified Development Project website – click here (https://specified-development-projects-kaingaora.hub.arcgis.com/). You will also find number of frequently asked questions on the site. however, If you find you still have any further questions , please contact Kāinga Ora at sdp.enquiries@kaingaora.govt.nz
While Kāinga Ora undertakes the SDP assessment, Variation 1 to the Proposed District Plan will continue to proceed through the Intensified Streamlined Planning Process, as mandated by the Government.
A Specified Development project (SDP) provides a new way for Kāinga Ora to work with councils, iwi and private developers to coordinate, plan, fund and deliver transformational, complex urban development. It also involves the creation of a new governance entity to oversee development planning, funding and delivery.
The SDP assessment process will involve approximately 9 months of extensive consultation and opportunity for feedback, and will be led by Kāinga Ora. If Kāinga Ora recommends that an SDP be formally established, this will need to be approved by the Government at the end of the assessment process.
While Kāinga Ora undertakes the SDP assessment, Variation 1 to the Proposed District Plan will continue to proceed through the Intensification Streamlined Planning Process, as mandated by the Government.