Let us know of any problems or requests with water supply, waste water or stormwater.
There are a number of ways to report a water issue:
If you wish to send any photos in support of your request or advice, please email them separately to enquiries@poriruacity.govt.nz and we'll attach them to your record in our systems, or if you're reporting using Antenno, you can add up to three photos within the app..
If you see excess stormwater or flooding in your area or another part of Porirua City, let us know immediately.
It’s important to stay away from floodwater in case it’s contaminated. If you come into contact with floodwater, make sure you wash thoroughly afterwards.
Unseen hazards could be hidden by the water, such as ditches and holes, fallen trees and other debris. There’s also a risk of floodwaters lifting the covers off manholes, leaving them open.
If you see a burst or leaking water main or toby (the shut-off valve between the council’s main water pipe and the pipe on a private property) in your neighbourhood or another part of the city, let us know and we’ll take care of it as soon as practicable.
If you notice a blockage or a leak from a council sewage pipe, either on public land or your own property, let us know so we can deal with it.
If the problem involves a wastewater system on your property, like a septic tank, you will probably need to contact a person authorised to fix it.
If you're out and about and notice something's not right, you can report water pollution such as unusual discharges to streams, rivers, and the coastal marine area on the Greater Wellington website or phone their 24-hour environment hotline on 0800 496 734.
We sometimes need to turn the water off temporarily to perform maintenance. Please check the Wellington Water Work in Your Area page for planned outages.
Council's supply responsibility ends at the water "Toby" valve generally located on your property boundary where your water supply connects to the public water main.
Property owners are responsible for maintaining the water services on their property and ensuring the prompt repair of leaks and the prevention of water wastage.
A leak of 2 drips per second can amount to 100 litres (a bath full) wasted per week.
If the problem involves a wastewater system on your property, like a septic tank, you will probably need to contact a person authorised to fix it.
For more information about our water supply, or preparing for heavy rain events, check the following links.