Te Manawa Lightboxes

Porirua City Council is calling for curators and artists to propose new light box exhibitions for our 2024-25 programme. We are looking for up to three exhibitions that will run for approximately five months each.


Running the length of Hagley Street to Ferry Place, the light boxes bring art exhibitions out of the gallery and into a public space. They provide a unique opportunity for artists to have their work on show in a high-profile outside area frequented by pedestrians.

There are 3 double-sided light boxes, and each is a 3-metre tall, made of steel and glass, have been installed in the spine of Porirua’s CBD, Te Manawa.

Lightbox Exhibitions

Light box artworks are digital files printed on vinyl that is adhered directly to the glass panel door of each light box. The front face of the artwork is adhesive and the printed images have a degree of translucency. The light boxes are lit at night, but not during the day.

Light box dimensions

  • Light box glass: 2658mm (h) x 1055mm (w)
  • Image print size: 2668mm (h) x 1065mm (w)

Dates and duration

Light box exhibitions run for approximately five months. The next lightbox exhibition will open in mid-2024.

Proposed proposal process

Proposals are open to arts organisations, institutions, curators and artists who’d like to see their work displayed in these lightboxes. The deadline for proposals is Friday 12 April 2024.

Your written proposal must include:

  • your proposed exhibition concept and themes, including how the work to be exhibited will look
  • images, including 3-4 of the artworks mocked-up in situ. This is important so we can understand how the artwork will look once in place.
  • how the art will work with the site and be relevant to the audience
  • information on involved curator(s) and artist(s) including CVs
  • any relevant images of previous work by the artist.

If you wish to discuss your proposal further, please contact the curatorial team at Pātaka.

Any proposals must be submitted via email as a PDF to: exhibitions@poriruacity.govt.nz

Call for Proposals 22 November 2023

Proposals close 12 April 2024

Exhibition Opening June 2024, January 2025, June 2025


Your proposal will be reviewed by the Porirua City Council’s Public Art Panel. You will be notified of a decision by email by the end of May 2024.

Previous exhibitions

  • Miriama Grace-Smith, Hei Matariki (Jun 2023)
  • Ruth Robertson-Taylor, Beacons of Gaia ki Parirua (December 2022)
  • Kohai Grace, Turangawaewae (July 2022)


Lightboxes to add more colour to Porirua’s CBD

Three new lightboxes will showcase local artists and their work.

New art shares message of hope

Ruth Robertson-Taylor is the latest artist to have her work featured in the lightboxes.