Making a submission

Anyone can make a submission to a resource consent application if it is publicly notified.

Anyone can make a submission to a resource consent application if it is publicly notified. 

You can make a submission or objection to an application that has limited notification only if you have been identified as a person affected by the project.

You can view all publicly notified application documents at our Customer Services Centre for 20 days from the public notification publication date to the submission closing date, and at our Public consultation portal.

Lodge your submission within 20 working days of the notification date for the resource consent.

  • Bring the original signed version of your submission and any supporting documents to:
    Porirua City Customer Services Centre
    16 Cobham Court
  • Or send your application by post or courier to:
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua 5240

Or email your application to

Send another copy to the person applying for the resource consent. 

If a hearing is needed

If we receive submissions opposing your project, we may hold a resource consent hearing about it. This could be a pre-hearing meeting of the parties concerned, or a formal hearing if they can’t reach agreement.

The decision about a resource consent application may be made right after a hearing or, for more complex applications, it may be reserved until a later date.

We will advise you about the decision when it is made. Appeals against a decision need to be lodged with the Environment Court within 15 days.