Brand assets and guidelines

Consult this quick guide to applying our logo.


If we’re working together, there may be times when you need to use our logo. We’re happy to share this in the right circumstances, so please get in touch so we can give our approval. Once that’s in place, all the technical details on how to use the logo are noted below.

To get approval or request a logo in vector based EPS format, contact the Communications & Marketing team by email:

Colour logo: PNG or JPG
Please use the colour (kikorangi blue) logo on a white background.


White logo: PNG
Please use the white (cloud) logo on a black or dark image background.

PCC_Logos_Print_Clouds-on black.png

Black logo: PNG or JPG

Please use the black logo only if the colour logo can’t be used or to use black to match a monotone presentation. Use on a white background.


Logo guidelines

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our guidelines for the logo.

For print

For print, the minimum size is 25mm width.

  • If you are working in graphic design software like Illustrator or InDesign, use the EPS logo.
  • If you are working in other programmes like Word or PowerPoint, use the PNG logo.

For screen or web

  • For web, the minimum size is 320px wide.
  • Use the PNG logo.

Remember to provide plenty of space around the logo. Use the padding that comes with logo, give it the chance to breathe and not feel cluttered.

Send us a copy

We’d love to see where the Council logo is being used – send us a copy.

Old logos, no longer in use

Old PCC logos.png

Please do not use these old logos to represent Porirua City Council. We’re in the process of updating all our signs around the city, as and when they need replacing (as doing it gradually helps keep costs down).

Primary brand colours

Kikorangi blue

CMYK: C36, M6, Y13, K0

Pantone: Pantone 637C

RGB: 75,185,212

Resene paint: Resene Custom PMS 637c

Hex: #4ab9d4


CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K100

Pantone: Pantone Black C

RGB: 0,0,0

Hex: #000000

Legal reminder

These graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws. They must only be used in accordance with understandings or agreements with Porirua City Council.

In particular, please note that these graphics may not be:

  • altered in any way, or combined with any other graphics, without written consent from Porirua City Council
  • used as part of your own product, business, or service’s name
  • used as part of a media release or statement without written consent from Porirua City Council
  • used in any way that infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981, or would infringe such provision if the relevant use occurred within New Zealand.

Special requirements

If you have any questions or special requirements regarding our brand assets, contact: Communications & Marketing Advisor


Phone: 04 273 3557